Customized Logistic Solutions
With over 10 years experience in logistics and operations, recognized and awarded by the specialized organizations, both at national and European level, the QeOPS team meets the demands of the customers with customized logistic solutions, aiming at contributing to a correct and harmonious development of any type of business – online or offline, B2B or B2C – irrespective of the business sector.
Irrespective whether your business is B2B or B2C, our purpose is to ensure that the buying experience of your clients is a positive one.
Storage of goods in the warehouse, at the level of sales unit (pallet, box or piece), in order to optimize the goods receipt and picking operations.
Based on partnerships with specialized companies, we provide inbound or outbound transport services, from or to any country in the EU.
Our experience allows for a thorough understanding of the challenges our clients in various industries have to confront, thus succeeding in providing flexible and customized solutions to help them make the difference in the market.
• orders situation and status
• returns status
• specific report
• transport, packing and product safety consultancy
• transport and distribution audit
• returns collection
• returns transfer to unrestricted stock
• goods receipt
• order processing
• packing (pick & pack)
• invoice & AWB
• delivery to client
returns collection
• packing (individual, promotional, shrink film)
• adding documentation (manual for use, guarantee certificate)
• labelling

QeOPS is member of WCA e-commerce – World Cargo Alliance

QeOPS is member of ARILOG – Romanian Logistics Association

QeOPS protects the environment! The entire process is papaerless!

Certification (1)
QeOPS meets quality requirements of the services it provides
In a period of continuous technological development, the electronic commerce in Romania is growing each year. Most online shops face difficulties in managing the logistic activities when the sales volume starts to increase.
We can handle your orders while you take care of your online store!

Warehouse built in line with the European standards regulating this activity, with a highly flexible warehousing capacity, both at pallet and mainly at SKU level, ensuring efficient operations for online trading.
Warehouse area: 6200 sqm
Based on partnerships with specialized companies, we provide inbound or outbound transport services, from or to any country in the EU, mainly to and from the countries in the region – RO, BG, HU, where we collect and supply in maximum 24h.
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Fill the form below or send us a message at and our experts will contact you in the shortest time for a FREE OF CHARGE assessment of your logistic needs.